4p1000day2020.sciencesconf.org: 'Soil health to fight Climate Change in the context of One Health and a needed International Solidarity'

4p1000day2020.sciencesconf.org: 'Soil health to fight Climate Change in the context of One Health and a needed International Solidarity'

  • Sábado, 05 de Dezembro de 2020

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5th Meeting of the Forum

Wednesday 9 December 2020 - 12:00 to 15:00 PM CET


"Soil health to fight Climate Change in the context of

One Health and a needed International Solidarity"


Watch the meeting on the 4 per 1000 Youtube channel 

High Level Segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLBiMwKZabo

Forum partners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-_UlloJYAQ



Opening of the Forum with a High-Level Segment (12:00 to 14:00 PM CET)

Chair of the Forum: Mr. Ibrahim MAYAKI, President of the “4 per 1000” Initiative, Executive Secretary of NEPAD and former Prime Minister of Niger.

  • Welcome address by Mr. Ibrahim MAYAKI, President of the “4 per 1000” Initiative (3 minutes)
  • Inspirational speech by Mr. Finian MAKEPEACE, Co-Founder, Policy Director, and Lead Educator of "Kiss the Ground" (15 minutes)
  • Inaugural session - Welcome address through speeches from officials (15 minutes)
    • Mr. Julien DENORMANDIE, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the French Republic
    • Mr. Hans-Joachim FUCHTEL, Parliamentary State Secretary for Agriculture and Food of the Federal Republic of Germany
    • Mrs. Esperanza ORELLANA MORALEDA, Director General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Kingdom of Spain
  • VIP speeches (3 minutes per speaker - 84 minutes)
  1. Mrs. Maria do CĒU ANTUNES, Minister of Agriculture (Portugal)
  2. Mrs. Akissa BAHRI, Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries of the Republic of Tunisia
  3. Mr. Damien Peter O’CONNOR, Minister of Agriculture and Minister for Biosecurity, Food Safety, and Rural Communities (New-Zealand)
  4. Mrs. Karen ROSS, State Secretary for Agriculture, CDFA [California Department of Food and Agriculture] (USA)
  5. Mr. Francisco GUERREIRO, First Vice-Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament (European Union)
  6. Mr. Chen CHI-CHUNG, Minister of Council of Agriculture (Taiwan)
  7. Mr. Arwyn JONES, Senior Expert, JRC [Joint Research Centre] Directorate D – Sustainable Resources (European Commission)
  8. Prof. Rattan LAL, Professor of Soil Science, Ohio State University (USA)
  9. Dr. Barron Joseph ORR, Lead Scientist, Science, Technology and Innovation Unit, UNCCD [United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification] (Germany)
  10. Mr. Eduardo MANSUR, Director, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, OCB, FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations] (Italy)
  11. Mr. François MANDIN, Farmer & President of APAD [Association pour la Promotion d'une Agriculture Durable / Association for the Promotion of a Sustainable Agriculture] / ACS network (France)
  12. Mrs. Valérie VERDIER, IRD [Institut de Recherche pour le Développement / Research Institute for Development] (France)
  13. Mr. Jean-François SOUSSANA, Vice President International, INRAE [Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement  / National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment] (France)
  14. Mr. Bruno OBERLE, Director General, IUCN [International Union for Conservation of Nature] (Switzerland) [excused]
  15. Mr. Santiago GOWLAND, Executive Vice President Latin America and Global Innovation, The Nature Conservancy (USA)
  16. Mr. Tony SIMONS, Director General of ICRAF-World Agroforestry Center – CGIAR (Kenya)
  17. Mr. Alain VIDAL, Director, Science and Partnerships, Food & Nature, WBCSD [World Business Council for Sustainable Development] (Switzerland)
  18. Mr. Sébastien TREYER, Executive Director of IDDRI (France)
  19. Mr. Pedro Antonio MALDONADO RIOS, Presidente del Consejo de Administración, ANAC [Asociación Nacional de Agricultura de Conservación / National Association of Conservation Agriculture] (Mexico)
  20. Mr. André LEU, International Director, Regeneration International (Australia)
  21. Mr. Salah LAMOUCHI, President, APAD Tunisie [Association Pour une Agriculture Durable / Association for a Sustainable Agriculture] (Tunisia)
  22. Mr. Salvatore BASILE, President, IN.N.E.R. [International Network of Eco Regions] (Italy) in the name of IN.N.E.R., of GAOD [Global Alliance for Organic Districts] (Norway) and of ALGOA [Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture] (Republic of Korea)
  23. Mr. Wayne HONEYCUTT, CEO, Soil Health Institute (USA)
  24. Mr. Guy de CAPDEVILLE, Director of Research and Development, EMBRAPA [Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation] (Brasil)
  25. Mr. Martien Van NIEUWKOOP, Global Director for Agriculture and Food Global Practice, The World Bank (USA)
  27. Mrs. Ana Beatriz WINGEYER, Coordinator Soil Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Climate Change, INTA [Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria / National Institute of Agricultural Technology] (Argentina)

The floor is open to farmers of the world (25 minutes)

  • Presentation of the questionnaire online open to farmers organizations
  • Video from Farmers of the world
  • A message from Mrs. Maria Beatriz PILOU GIRAUDO, GCAN International


Meeting of the Forum (14:00 to 15:00 PM CET)

Documents available here

  • Adoption of the agenda – Mr. Ibrahim MAYAKI (3 minutes)
  • Approval of the report of Forum n°4 (Madrid 11 Dec. 2019) – Mr. Ibrahim MAYAKI (3 minutes)
  • “4 per 1000” Initiative Annual Activity Report 2019-2020 – Mr. Paul LUU, "4 per 1000" Executive Secretary (10 minutes)
  • Activity Report of the STC (Scientific and Technical Committee) in 2020 – Dr. Cornelia RUMPEL, Chair of the Scientific and Technical Committee (10 minutes)
  • The “4 per 1000” Strategic Plan (20 minutes)
    • Elaboration and content of the Plan – Mr. Paul LUU, "4 per 1000" Executive Secretary
    • Work to be done for its implementation – Mr. Marc BERNARD, Member of the Executive Secretariat of the "4 per 1000" Initiative 
    • Comments and discussion
  • Presentation of the "Twin-Regions" project and its implementation  – Mr. Marc BERNARD, Member of the Executive Secretariat of the "4 per 1000" Initiative (9 minutes)
  • Conclusion of the Forum by Mr. Ibrahim MAYAKI (5 minutes).

Vê este vídeo aqui

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