Pulse Portugal: 'Francisco Guerreiro was the MEP who defended the environment the most'

Pulse Portugal: 'Francisco Guerreiro was the MEP who defended the environment the most'

  • Segunda-feira, 15 de Abril de 2024

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Francisco Guerreiro MEP, elected by PAN but who later became independent, was the Portuguese who stood out the most in defending environmental policies in Brussels, according to an analysis released today.

Francisco Guerreiro, the only Portuguese representative in the Group of the Greens, obtained 99 points out of a possible 100, Portuguese environmental organizations announced in a statement in which they corrected the European Parliament group to which the Left Bloc belongs, which belongs to the Left group and not the Group of the Greens.

The analysis released today indicates that a minority of MEPs acted in the 2019-2024 mandate to protect the climate and nature and reduce pollution.

The analysis is the responsibility of five European environmental organizations: “BirdLife Europe”, “Climate Action Network Europe”, “European Environmental Bureau”, “Transport & Environment” and “WWF European Policy Office”.

The five organizations place the political forces in three groups according to climate protection actions: the protectors, those who have protected the most; the procrastinators, in the middle position; and those who have supported climate-related actions the least, the prehistoric thinkers.

The protectors were the Greens|European Free Alliance (92 points out of 100), the Left (84 points) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (70 points).

In the group of procrastinators was Renew Europe (56 points) and in the group of prehistoric thinkers was the European People’s Party (25 points), the European Conservatives and Reformists (10 points) and Identity and Democracy (six points out of a possible 100).

Looking at the Portuguese parties, the frontrunners are the Bloco de Esquerda (A Esquerda group), which scored 91 points, and the PS (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats group) with 79 points.

The PCP (The Left) scored 67 points and appears as a procrastinator, and the PSD and CDS-PP, of the European People’s Party, scored 27 and 20 points respectively and belong to the group of prehistoric thinkers.

Analysis of the data shows that the Left Bloc and the PS are above the European average for their political group, that the PCP is well below the average for its political group, and that among prehistoric thinkers, the PSD is within the average for its group (slightly above) and the CDS-PP is below.

In Brussels, the PSD bench has already rejected the analysis.

In the correction on the political group to which the Left Bloc belongs, signed by the Portuguese environmental organizations Geota, Spea, Quercus and Zero (which had released the initial document), it is also explained that MEP Francisco Guerreiro was not included in the barometer because the coordinators of the initiative presented information on parties and not on independent MPs.

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