World Animals Voice - Global: Momentum Builds For Further Live Export Bans

World Animals Voice - Global: Momentum Builds For Further Live Export Bans

  • Sábado, 15 de Junho de 2024

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Citizens and activists are making a stand for animals, calling for a ban on live animal exports across the globe.

Ban Live Exports International Awareness Day, on 14th of June, marks the same day in 2015 when 13,000 sheep tragically lost their lives during a long sea journey from Romania to Somalia. Since then, campaigners have continued to call for an end to this practice, in which animals endure horrific conditions such as overcrowding and extreme temperatures causing enormous pain and distress. Millions of live animals are transported each year by road, rail, sea and air across continents on journeys lasting up to three weeks.

Great Britain introduced a ban on live exports for fattening and slaughter just weeks ago, while Australia announced that live sheep exports by sea would be banned from 2028. New Zealand introduced a ban on live animal exports in 2023, but the legislation is currently in jeopardy as a new coalition government has vowed to repeal the law. In Brazil, the federal court also ruled last year that no live animals should be exported from the country’s ports.

The EU’s promised comprehensive review of animal welfare legislation offered hope for a ban on live exports, yet last year the Commission missed the opportunity to switch to a carcass-only trade, announcing weak amendments to transport regulations.

Across the world, the tide is turning. Governments are waking up to the unnecessary cruelty this barbaric industry inflicts on millions of sentient animals transported across the world each year like cargo.Our message is clear – we call on the European Commission to end this unnecessary trade and switch to carcass-only exports.

Susanna Blattner, Farmed Animals Programme Officer, Eurogroup for Animals

This is the ninth consecutive annual awareness day, organised by Compassion in World Farming.

A video shared for this day captures some of the suffering these animals endure, including stress, dehydration, exhaustion, overheating and injuries.

This Ban Live Exports International Awareness Day, people are being urged to stand up for animals by sharing the video on social media, using the hashtag #BanLiveExports.    

Read the article here

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