Plenary Session: Deforestation

Plenary Session: Deforestation

  • Thursday, 22 October 2020

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Deforestation (A9-0179/2020 - Delara Burkhardt)

Following the Commission's Communication of July 2019 on Intensifying EU action to protect and restore global forests, the ENVI Committee decided at the beginning of this new mandate to draw up a legislative initiative report on an EU legal framework to halt and reverse the global deforestation driven by the EU. The Union should introduce binding due diligence obligations for companies that place goods linked to deforestation and other forms of destruction and degradation of ecosystems in the internal market, as well as for all financial operators that directly or indirectly finance deforestation. I therefore voted in favour of this report, ensuring a large majority to send a strong signal to the Commission before the adoption of the legislative proposal planned for next year.

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