Plenary Session: Situation in Belarus
Situation in Belarus
I voted in favour of this resolution, in line with the Group of the Greens, for containing appropriate responses to the dire political and social situation in Belarus imposed by a head of state who uses all means at his disposal to perpetuate himself in power, coercing the rights, freedoms and guarantees of Belarusian citizens.
The brutal repression promoted by the current ruler, both in the electoral campaign period, as well as in the subsequent period (post-elections) denote a clear and profound disrespect for fundamental freedoms and principles – as reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all human rights related conventions Belarus signed –, such as equality, universality, political pluralism, trust, transparency and responsibility, which is why we must strive for a series of urgent measures, with the aim of complying with EU law related tenets.
ParlTrack - Francisco Guerreiro considered one of the most productive MEPs
Monday, 01 July 2024
The analytical website ParlTrack has recorded all the parliamentary actions of MEPs during the 2019-2024 term, considering Francisco Guerreiro one of the most productive.READ MORE