'Carne: The Unsustainable Footprint' 'Carne: The Unsustainable Footprint'

  • Terça-feira, 06 de Agosto de 2024

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“Carne: The Unsustainable Footprint” It’s a gentle but raw insight of what we need to do about our diet patterns in order to save the planet and… our health. Filmed in several countries: Portugal, Belgium, France, UK and Lebanon. It gives global insights about the problem, showing how a Hospital in Lebanon is changing the lives of their patients through veganism, but it focuses mainly on the European reality, in the corridors of the European Parliament, where lobbies change the pattern of our lives. It also explores cases that demonstrate it is possible to live in balance with nature, and gives voice to new generations who are trying to change “the game”. Because change is urgent and still within our reach. It’s a documentary that aims to search for a “cease-fire” between humans and the planet.

Directed by: Hugo de Almeida

Produced by: Francisco Guerreiro

Country of origin: Portugal

Year of production: 2023

Duration: 01:15:37 min


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