Shark League: 'Make or Break for Makos'
Webinar presentation by Ali Hood, Director of Conservation at the Shark Trust.
The Make or Break for Makos webinar was arranged by the Humane Society International/Europe and hosted by Portuguese MEP Francisco Guerreiro in May 2021. The Shark Trust was delighted to have been invited to represent the Shark League, give a presentation on the pressures facing mako sharks in the Atlantic to the delegates, and contribute to a panel discussion and Q&A.
The virtual event brought together shark scientists, policymakers, and NGO representatives to urgently discuss why the EU needs to adopt a strong position on the protection of mako sharks during the intersessional meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in July 2021.
Ask EU Member States to urge the European Commission to stop undermining and start heeding expert advice to ban North Atlantic shortfin mako landings.
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